When Skills Meet Character Success Becomes Timeless

It's not difficult to find people with technical skills, nor do they set a business apart or determine its survival in the long run. What determines long-term success and survival is people who are optimistic, uphold integrity and character, people who are committed to doing what’s right. These individuals act with purpose, reducing risk, keeping the business strong, and going in the right direction, always striving to make the world better.

How do you find such people? Start by looking at how they treat themselves. Someone who isn’t kind to themselves or doesn’t make the right choices in their own life may struggle to do what's right for the company. If they lack a personal vision, they may find it challenging to contribute to the company’s vision. While these qualities can be developed, consider the role you're hiring for. If it’s an entry-level position, these traits can be nurtured. However, if it's a senior-level position, you may want to reconsider whether you can bear such risk. But remember, whatever the majority of your workforce embodies—whether optimism, purpose, or high character—that becomes the culture and direction of your company.

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